Our Services

Remembrance photography is an important step in the healing journey. Photographs are one of the most precious and tangible mementos parents can have, showing the love and bond that was given and shared with their baby. These portraits will last for generations, and will honor a tiny life that is forever loved and cherished.

A Message for Parents

Our deepest sympathy to you and your family during your time of loss. The death of an infant is something no parent should ever have to experience. Words cannot express the depth of our sorrow.

Find a Photographer

Locate a photographer who can assist you. All efforts are made to find a photographer to fulfill requests, but our volunteers do not have guaranteed availability.

Digital Retouching

Our goal is for all families in need of NILMDTS to be served with a photographic session. As primarily a volunteer organization, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that a photographer will be available to help every family. Occasionally one of our volunteer photographers may not be available to take photographs. We have retouching options available!

Family & Friends

While you want to help your bereaved family or friends, oftentimes, family and friends are at a loss for words. Navigating this emotional time can be difficult. You can find some ideas of what to say or do.

FAQs & Testimonials

What do you need to know about your Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep session?

“You may not want these now, but you will want them at some point in your life.”

A Nurse | to Amber Pethe – Tayla’s mom