December 2019 Volunteer Spotlight

This month, we want to spread our gratitude for all the volunteers who took time out of their Thanksgiving holiday to give the gift of remembrance photography by dispatching, assisting, photographing, retouching or being part of a session in some way. These families will never look at this holiday with the same perspective but hopefully, your images will be able to bring some small bit of comfort to them.

Anne Companion — Hampton Roads, VA
Teresa Robertson — Ewa Beach, HI
Kristy Taylor — Holt, MI
Sara McConnell — Ottawa, Ontario
Brenna Cordner — Milton, VT
Debbi Lindsey — Hubbardston, MA
Lauren Armstrong — Spokane, WA
Tiffany Schmidt — Haysville, KS
Chuck Billiot — Mandeville, LA
Scott Gane — Saint Joseph, MI
Emily Brown — Kanata, Ontario
Kathleen Porter — Westford, VT
Jeffery A. Baker Sr. — Worcester, MA
Stephanie Singer — Wichita, KS
Kirsten Ramos — Waipahu, HI

If you know someone on this special list, we encourage you to send them a quick note of appreciation. What we do is often thankless but it is important to remember just how much a quick sentiment of thanks can mean — especially if you could not take a session yourself but were asked. Teamwork is a big part of our NILMDTS culture and what makes teams successful!

From the bottom of all our hearts, from NILMDTS Staff and Volunteer Leadership, we thank you very much for all your efforts in serving your local families!

If you have a suggestion of a volunteer who should receive a shoutout in our monthly spotlight, please email