July 2020 Volunteer Spotlight

Courtney Stein has recently surpassed her ten years of service! While Area Coordinator, Gretchen Willis has only just gotten to know Courtney, she quickly saw Courtney’s tireless devotion to serving the Oshkosh, WI area for those ten years. Courtney has taken many sessions when the number of volunteers actively participating in their area has been very low, and there was not an Area Coordinator to guide or support her. Courtney has continued the mission of NILMDTS and feels strongly that the needs of these families is of utmost importance, oftentimes placing her own needs last so that she may serve them. We are so fortunate to have Courtney on the Wisconsin volunteer team!

Courtney Stein has been a NILMDTS Photographer since May 2010 and has taken 79 sessions.

From the bottom of all our hearts, from NILMDTS Staff and Volunteer Leadership, we thank you very much for all your efforts in serving your local families!

If you have a suggestion of a volunteer who should receive a shoutout in our monthly spotlight, please email volunteercoordinators@nilmdts.org.