March 2021 Volunteer Spotlight
For one tiny town, that doesn’t even have a red light, the passion for the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep mission is very much present. NILMDTS Community Volunteer, Joyce Arnold, takes any chance she can get to spread awareness of the services provided through NILMDTS and is ready with pamphlets in hand for once the pandemic subsides. Joyce has shown compassion for the families she has served and has proven to be proactive in spreading awareness of the NILMDTS mission. We are grateful Joyce shares her time and talents as part of the NILMDTS volunteer team in honor of her son, Cooper Ryan.

Joyce Arnold (Silver Point, TN) has been a NILMDTS Community Volunteer spreading awareness through recruiting and hospital outreach since October 2017.
From the bottom of all our hearts, from NILMDTS Staff and Volunteer Leadership, we thank you very much for all your efforts in serving your local families!
If you have a suggestion of a volunteer who should receive a shoutout in our monthly spotlight, please email