October 2021 Volunteer Spotlight

We have so many amazing volunteers and this month we are excited to shine the light on Ramona Cox. Ramona is a Level 3 Digital Retouch Artist for NILMDTS. Ramona joined NILMDTS in June 2014 and has already helped so many families around the country through her retouching sessions.

Through ups and downs and various process and system changes, Ramona Cox has fared it all as a dedicated Digital Retouch Artist. Having started her NILMDTS volunteer journey in 2014, Ramona has achieved level 3 editing status and in addition to serving well over 60 families since 2019 (we only actually know those she has helped since the system upgrade in late 2019) she also is the talent behind many of the various frame and borders provided in the Retouching Resources. As a main contributor, helping retouch some of the tiniest little babies, we are endlessly grateful. Without Ramona’s talents, many families may have gone without images they are proud to share but because of her, these little ones are expertly cleaned up and cared for.

From the bottom of all our hearts, from NILMDTS Staff and Volunteer Leadership, we thank you very much for all your efforts in serving your local families!

If you have a suggestion of a volunteer who should receive a shoutout in our monthly spotlight, please email support@nilmdts.org.