In order to become and remain an active volunteer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS), you must agree to adhere to the Volunteer Services Agreement (VSA), complete training, and confirm acceptance of important Volunteer Newsletters and email communications. The acceptance of the VSA is required annually and is required to access any NILMDTS training courses.
Note: If you have any questions regarding the VSA, email us.
Detailed Renewal Process
To successfully renew, renewal is a two-step process. First, you get an email thirty days prior to your renewal date asking you to complete the Volunteer Services Agreement (VSA) before expiration – you can renew as early as 30 days prior to expiration. As part of that re-confirmation of your commitment, the VSA course also describes Step 2, which is to be sure all lessons in the Introduction to NILMDTS course are completed and to go through your role specific course(s) to complete any new lessons in the course for the role(s) in which you wish to remain active.
For most of our volunteers, the Affiliated Photographer course is your active role specific course, unless you are a Digital Retouch Artist, Dispatcher or Community Volunteer, in which case, complete the updates in the course(s) for the role(s) for which you wish to remain active. Please note that your role specific course may show “Completed” in the course listing on your training portal home screen but you should still click into the course(s) and complete any new lessons which do not have a green checkmark. At a minimum, you must complete new lessons (those without a green check) if they are ABOVE the OPTIONAL lessons. Also, note that new lessons should be completed in the order they are presented in any course and your progress percent will not equal 100% unless all optional lessons are completed.
When you’ve renewed successfully, it will take up to 8 hours for your account to activate in the system. There will be regular email reminders to renew starting one month before your expiration date. These emails go to the email address tied to your volunteer account.