Caleb Isaac Ousley Nasemen

In April 2014, my family anxiously awaited the arrival of my nephew Caleb. He was the 5th child to my older sister Angel and her husband Ben. After 39 weeks of pregnancy, and bonding, my sister suffered a placental abruption and Caleb died shortly before birth on April 26th. When I received the call shortly after he was delivered, my heart was absolutely crushed to hear the news. We were at the finish line but didn’t get to keep our prize, a perfect 5 lb. 5 oz. beautiful boy.

My sister and her husband were overwhelmed by the raw emotions and the events of the day. A nurse had spoken to them about a photographer that was in the hospital to shoot a preemie, who passed earlier in the afternoon. She asked if they wanted her to photograph Caleb and they trepidatiously said yes. The photographer, overwhelmed by the emotion of the day, agreed to give her time to capture the only moments we would have with Caleb. Her presence was a true blessing and inspired them to photograph their children with Caleb later in the evening. About two weeks after Caleb’s still-birthday, the photographer delivered the amazing images and told them she works for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.

Before April 26th, none of us had ever heard of the organization but we are so fortunate that it exists.  The images she captured allowed our family, near and far, to share in the beauty of Caleb’s time with the family. My sister has become a huge advocate for the organizations that touched them so greatly on that tragic day. I learned of the fundraising efforts for the 10th anniversary of NILMDTS around Caleb’s 1st still-birthday. I thought there would be no better way to remember my sweet nephew than to help others that will share in the walk of grief and an organization that will give them a lifetime of memories captured in a few fleeting moments. My entire family has been truly blessed by the gift of remembrance photography and the support of organizations like NILMDTS.

“How quietly you tiptoed into our world, silently only a moment you stayed. But what an imprint your footprints have left upon our hearts.” Unknown

Thank you so much for all you do for grieving families. As the recipient of your time and talent, I am forever grateful for all that you do.

– Jennifer Tolar, Aunt to Caleb Isaac Ousley Nasemen

Thank you to Jennifer Tolar for sharing your beautiful nephew Caleb and thank you to Jennifer Burns, NILMDTS volunteer photographer for being there for Caleb’s family to capture their special moments with Caleb!

You can see Caleb’s Magazine Tribute page here

For more information on how to create your own tribute, click here

To see a list of all Magazine Tribute Pages created, click here

Remembrance Portraits
Medical Affiliate Program