I stroked your soft skin and ran my fingers through your hair,
I held you tight and asked why is this fair?

As I smell your lovely scent, I knew that you was heaven sent,
sent from god from up above for me cherish, hold and love,
So why did he take you away from me? He knows my heart you carry the key.

In my heart is where you will be, everyone says God has set you free, Free from what is what I don’t get, I’m filled with guilt and a lot of regret. In my heart you I will never forget.

I feel angry, I feel mad, why does he want to see me so sad?
Couldn’t wait to hold you in my arms, make me melt with your charms, To gaze into your eyes, to keep you safe and protect you from the troubles of strife.

Our time together was so brief, had to say goodbye I didn’t want to leave, Can’t seem to find a way to let you go, to know I have to live life without you hurts me so

All my dreams have come undone, but you will forever be my son
Couldn’t wait for the day that we would meet, who was to know it’d be so bitter-sweet?

And though I miss you, I want you to be free and in my dreams you I will see, We’ll play together and hold each other’s hand, I’ll trace your footprints in the sand

I’ll hold you close to my heart, from you I never want to part
But now its time to say goodbye, spread your wings my angel you deserve to fly.

Remembrance Portraits
Medical Affiliate Program