Baby Chase
August 25th, 2005. A day that started with happiness, excitement and anticipation. For it was on this day, our family of four would soon become a family of five. We had spent months preparing for this day; the nursery was set up, everything needed for a new baby were in place, we had the perfect name in mind for our son. Everything was ready to welcome him home. Everything was perfect.
At 7:30 am that morning, with my husband by my side, I checked into the hospital. Monitors were hooked up and the sound of my baby’s heartbeat filled the room like the sweetest song you ever heard. Loud, strong and healthy. We were ready to meet our little miracle, our precious gift.
Around 4:00 pm, everything changed. In delivery, I remember feeling what I thought was a strong kick or contraction. All of a sudden, the heart-beat monitor fell silent; the nurses and doctors taking care of me rushed into the room almost in a panic. I was hooked up to an ultrasound machine. I still remember the look on one doctor’s face as he observed the images on the ultrasound screen. I asked if everything was alright; if my baby was ok. No one answered me back. Instead, the nurse told me I needed to go to surgery, baby was in distress and an emergency c-section needed to be done. I do not remember very much after that.
5:02pm, Chase Allen Becker was brought into the world, peacefully sleeping. No cries, no sound… no life within him. He was beautiful. He was perfect. But he would not be coming with us to our home. He went to God’s home instead.
After talking with family, one of Chase’s doctors called Steve Seifried, a local photographer who had just recently learned about the works of NILMDTS to come to the hospital and capture beautiful images of Chase. This was a much different kind of photo session for Steve, and was the first NILMDTS session that had been done outside of Colorado, where NILMDTS is based. The images Steve captured are our most prized possessions… they are all we have of our Baby Chase. I will never be able to re-pay Steve for doing this session for our family. In a way, he gave our baby back to us~ how can you pay that back? You simply can’t.
Baby Chase. A beautiful son, grandson, little brother to Rorey and Jacob, nephew, cousin… continues to watch over us from the heaven’s above. His light still shines bright. He is now, and will always live in our hearts forever.
Thank you to Chase’s family for sharing your story to help awareness about infant loss. You can help more families on their healing journey by donating for Minnesota Gives to the Max Day. Find out more here: https://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/mngives
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