Perinatal Hospice, Hospice in the Womb

Amy Kuebelbeck from Perinatal hospice and palliative care recently shares her video and writes:

I am pleased to announce this new video to help convey what continuing a pregnancy with a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis can be like. Deep thanks to the parents and photographers, including a number of photographers affiliated with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, who allowed me to share their powerful photos and words. I hope this short video will help parents who are considering this path to be less afraid and to begin to imagine that this path is not just one of sorrow; it can also be a journey that is beautiful, profoundly meaningful, and healing.

“For many parents whose baby dies before or after birth, their tragic loss comes as a sudden, unexpected, blinding shock. Just as their world is shattering and they may feel as though they can barely breathe, they are asked to make immediate decisions. Accepting the offer of beautiful and healing portraiture from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep requires a soul-baring leap of faith. Caregivers who gently offer the option of photography to these stunned parents, photographers who discreetly and skillfully capture parents’ grief and love, and parents who bravely open their broken hearts to strangers all join together in a profound encounter that will bring consolation for years to come.

For a smaller but growing number of parents, their shock came many weeks or months earlier …”

Finish reading Amy Kuebelbeck’s article here.

Remembrance Portraits
Medical Affiliate Program