On January 6, 2010, I had just taken my son Aidan to a heart appointment and WIC appointment and was getting him out of his car seat to feed him when I realized he was unresponsive. Screaming in heartache, I ran down the stairs to call 911.

Aidan was rushed to the Children’s Hospital in an ambulance as I followed behind with my dad.

There, I remember seeing his tiny body laying on a huge bed as I passed the operating room to the family waiting room. I waited for what seemed like forever when the doctor came in and said, “ I’m so sorry we did everything we could.”

I fell to the floor in pain.

The doctor took me into the operating room were my son’s body was lying lifeless on the bed. He was 2 months and 6 days old, born just 8 weeks earlier on October 31, 2009. Diagnosed before birth with a congenital heart defect, I was told he had a 50/50 chance and would need several surgeries before age 2.

The day Aidan passed away, I was asked by a nurse if I would like photographs of my son. This was when I found out about Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. A photographer by the name of Michelle came to the hospital and took pictures of Aidan and me and I am forever grateful for these pictures of my sweet Aidan.

Eleven years later, these photographs still mean as much to me now as they did the day I received them. I love and appreciate the work Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep does for bereaved parents and am forever grateful to our photographer.

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Remembrance Portraits
Medical Affiliate Program